This feature allows for the importing of General Ledger Journal Entry information into the Unanet system.
While this import is primarily used to insert new entries, it can also be used for limited updating as well. Existing entries for updating will be identified by a value in the Document Number field, whereas new entries will have no value in that field. This import cannot be used to delete an existing General Ledger Journal Entry document, however, using the available purge option, you can instruct the import to first remove any existing Detail records associated with a particular Summary level entry (based on Document Number). When inserting new entries, you can use the Group Id field to identify multiple input records as belonging to the same General Ledger Journal Entry document.
While the GL journal entries are comprised of multiple record types (i.e., Summary and Detail records), importing these records is accomplished via a single record layout. As such, the fields related to the Summary information are ignored on all but the first record (for each distinct Group Id encountered).
See Processing Rules and field descriptions below for additional information about insert and update restrictions.
This screen is available to users having any of the following roles: Administrator.
This feature is available with any Unanet edition.
Topics covered on this help page include:
Import File Record Layout (field by field descriptions)
Import File Format (note about csv layout and option to import a subset of columns using header values)
Excel Template (spreadsheet template containing column headings)
Import Screen (invoking the import via the user interface)
Processing Rules (limitations and rules followed)
IMPORTANT: Note that there are multiple places within this documentation that say you MUST use double quotes for the strings in your import. If you are working in Excel, Excel will provide the double quotes and thus you do not need to add them in manually. Manually adding double quotes within Excel would result in multiple sets of double quotes in the resulting .csv file and thus cause an error (should you attempt to import that resulting file). Please see Excel Tips for more information.
Field Header Name |
Required/Comments |
1 |
A |
Legal_Entity_Org_Code |
REQUIRED ON ADD. This code uniquely identifies the Legal Entity Organization to which the General Ledger Journal Entry belongs. This value must match an existing Legal Entity Organization Code value defined in your system. If the value you are trying to import does not already exist in the database, the entire record will be rejected. This value cannot be changed on an existing Journal Entry. |
2 |
B |
Document_Number |
REQUIRED ON UPDATE. When attempting to update an existing entry, this field is required and must match an existing General Ledger Journal Entry document number (and that document must be in either the INUSE or SUBMITTED status). This is the field that is used to identify the collection of records in the import file that are to be associated with a particular journal entry document (during an update process). | ||||||||||||||||
3 |
C |
Group_Id |
The value supplied in the field is never saved to the database and is only used for the purposes of grouping records into specific General Ledger Journal Entry documents.
4 |
D |
Document_Date |
The Document Date is the date to be associated with the Financial Document. If not provided, it will default to the current system date (when creating a new entry).
Recommended date format: yyyy-MM-dd See Allowable Date Formats for more options. |
5 |
E |
Post_Date |
REQUIRED ON ADD. The Post Date is the date to which you desire to have a financial document posted. This is the date to which various accounts are updated and for which the business transaction will appear in various financial reports.
The Post Date supplied must fall within a Fiscal Period that is open for transaction entry (unless the "Allow changes to closed fiscal periods" option has been selected).
Recommended date format: yyyy-MM-dd See Allowable Date Formats for more options. |
6 |
F |
Reversing_Entry |
Valid values include Y or N (if not provided, N is the default for an entry). A value of "Y" indicates this is a reversing entry, and when set to Y a Reversing_Date must be provided (otherwise the record will be rejected). |
7 |
G |
Reversing_Date |
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED. This field is required when the Reversing_Entry field is set to Y. If this field is populated while the Reversing_Entry field is N, the record will be rejected). This field determines which fiscal period to associate with the entry. The value provided must fall in a fiscal period after the fiscal period in which the Post_Date falls.
Recommended date format: yyyy-MM-dd See Allowable Date Formats for more options. |
8 |
H |
Recurring |
Valid values include Y or N (if not provided, N is the default for an entry). A value of "Y" indicates this is a recurring entry. If a value for Max_Occurrences has been provided, and this field is set to N, the record will be rejected. |
9 |
I |
Max_Occurrences |
When designating a financial document as a recurring entry, you have the option to specify the number of times you would like it to recur. This field is used to represent that value. This field is not required, even if the Recurring field has a value of Y. If a value is provided in this field while the value in the Recurring field is N, the record will be rejected. You can use the special tag !BLANK! to remove an existing entry in this field. This field accepts a numeric value (whole number). |
10 |
J |
Reference |
This is an optional field intended to capture any identifying external reference number or text to associate with the document. You can use the special tag !BLANK! to remove an existing entry in this field. Maximum Length: 50 characters |
11 |
K |
Description |
This is an optional field intended to capture any identifying code or value from an external source that you would like to enter and track along with the document. You can use the special tag !BLANK! to remove an existing entry in this field. Maximum Length: 128 characters |
12 |
L |
Comments |
The Comment field can be used to record a comment for the current financial document. This is an optional field. You can use the special tag !BLANK! to remove an existing entry in this field. Maximum Length: 2000 characters |
13 |
M |
Dtl_Acct |
REQUIRED ON ADD. This field is used to supply the Detail record Account to which the journal entry transaction is to be posted. This value must match an existing account as defined on the Admin >> Setup >> Accounts screen. The account supplied must have the following characteristics:
If the Account provided does not require project related details for the transaction, the record will be rejected if any values are supplied in the Dtl_Proj_Org_Code, Dtl_Proj_Code, Dtl_Task_Name, Dtl_Proj_Type, or Dtl_Exp_Type fields. |
14 |
N |
Dtl_Org_Code |
REQUIRED ON ADD. This field is used to supply the Detail record Organization to which the journal entry transaction is to be posted. This value must match an existing organization as defined on the Organization >> Profile and Financials tabs. The organization supplied must have the following characteristics:
15 |
O |
Dtl_Reference |
This is an optional field intended to capture any identifying external reference number or text to associate with the Detail line item. If not provided, this will default to the value provided in the Reference field (from the Summary area of the record). Maximum Length: 50 characters |
16 |
P |
Dtl_Description |
This is an optional field intended to capture any identifying code or value from an external source that you would like to enter and track along with the Detail line item. If not provided, this will default to the value provided in the Description field (from the Summary area of the record). Maximum Length: 128 characters |
17 |
Q |
Dtl_Transaction_Date |
This date is the date to be associated with the Detail line item.
If not provided, this will default to the value provided in the Document_Date field (from the Summary area of the record).
Recommended date format: yyyy-MM-dd See Allowable Date Formats for more options. |
18 |
R |
Dtl_Debit_Amount |
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED. This field is used to supply the Debit Amount associated with the Detail line item. This field can be zero, positive or negative. Note that either this field or the Dtl_Credit_Amount field must be provided or the record will be rejected. If both Dtl_Debit_Amount and Dtl_Credit_Amount fields are populated, the record will be rejected. This field accepts a numeric value up to 16 positions to the left of the decimal and 2 positions to the right. |
19 |
S |
Dtl_Credit_Amount |
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED. This field is used to supply the Credit Amount associated with the Detail line item. This field can be zero, positive or negative. Note that either this field or the Dtl_Debit_Amount field must be provided or the record will be rejected. If both Dtl_Debit_Amount and Dtl_Credit_Amount fields are populated, the record will be rejected. This field accepts a numeric value up to 16 positions to the left of the decimal and 2 positions to the right. |
20 |
T |
Dtl_Proj_Org_Code |
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED. If the Account provided has been identified as a project related account (that is, if the Account was configured on the Admin >> Setup >> Accounts screen with the Require Project indicator checked), this is a required field. This is the Project Organization code associated with the Dtl_Proj_Code supplied in the next field. The combination of these two values must match an existing Project Org / Project Code value defined in your system. If the value you are trying to import does not already exist in the database, the entire record will be rejected. If the Account provided does not require project related details for the transaction, the record will be rejected if any value is provided for this field. |
21 |
U |
Dtl_Proj_Code |
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED. If the Account provided has been identified as a project related account (that is, if the Account was configured on the Admin >> Setup >> Accounts screen with the Require Project indicator checked), this is a required field. This is the Project Code associated with the Dtl_Proj_Org_Code supplied in the previous field. The combination of these two values must match an existing Project Org / Project Code value defined in your system. If the value you are trying to import does not already exist in the database, the entire record will be rejected. Valid projects will be limited to:
If the Account provided does not require project related details for the transaction, the record will be rejected if any value is provided for this field. |
22 |
V |
Dtl_Task_Name |
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED. The value for this field will be required if the project (from above) is set to require task level expense reporting. This value must match an existing active Task Name value in your system (belonging to the Dtl_Proj_Code listed above). If the Task Name you are trying to import does not already exist in the database, the entire record will be rejected. If the Task has an Owning Organization defined, it must belong to the same Legal Entity as the Project's Legal Entity. If a task is not a top-level task (e.g., it has subtasks), you must include a comma separated list of each task starting at the top level down. The following is an example of a valid task tree and how you would reflect each task using this import. Task Tree Access String
See the Excel Tips regarding the use of double quotes and more.
If the Account provided does not require project related details for the transaction, the record will be rejected if any value is provided for this field. |
23 |
W |
Dtl_Proj_Type |
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED. If the Account provided has been identified as a project related account (that is, if the Account was configured on the Admin >> Setup >> Accounts screen with the Require Project indicator checked), this is a required field. The project type supplied must have the following characteristics:
If the Account provided does not require project related details for the transaction, the record will be rejected if any value is provided for this field. |
24 |
X |
Dtl_Exp_Type |
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED. If the Account provided has been identified as a project related account (that is, if the Account was configured on the Admin >> Setup >> Accounts screen with the Require Project indicator checked), this is a required field. The expense type supplied must have the following characteristics:
If the Account provided does not require project related details for the transaction, the record will be rejected if any value is provided for this field. |
25 |
Y |
Dtl_Person_Username |
This field can be used to optionally associate a named user to a financial document detail line item. Any active user can be associated with a financial document detail line item. |
26 |
Z |
Dtl_Vendor_Org_Code |
Despite the column name, this field can be used to optionally associate a Customer or Vendor (or any active) organization to the detail line item. |
Note: Check out the Unanet Data Model for specific field data types, lengths, and other attributes.
The file to import must be saved in a comma delimited format. The fields can be enclosed in double quotes -- which would be particularly necessary should the data being imported contain commas.
If you are not using the default column layout sequence as defined above, you must include a header record (prefixed with an asterisk *), containing the column Header Names for those columns you are including in the import file (to indicate what data is contained in each column). The specific Header Names for each column are listed in the table above.
You can create the comma delimited import file with any number of tools. For those interested in using an Excel spreadsheet to create the file, you can download an Excel Template with predefined headers.
See the Excel Tips regarding the use of double quotes and more.
Depending on your property settings the Import General Ledger Journal Entry screen may look like:
Field |
Description |
Type of Import |
Select the appropriate import type from the list of available types of imports. |
File to Import |
Enter (or browse for) the file that you would like to import. |
Output Options |
Specify the level of detail included in the output. |
Journal Entries |
This option instructs the import to completely delete all associated Detail records for each distinct General Ledger Journal Entry being updated (based on Document #). Upon processing the first record having a different Document #, all associated Detail entries will be deleted, and then subsequent records having that same Document # will be processed and inserted. Essentially, this is a means to replace all General Ledger Journal Entry details. Note that the Summary portion of the document will remain and its values would have been updated based on the values included on that record. Note that only those documents in the INUSE or SUBMITTED status can be deleted. |
Resulting Status |
This option controls whether each General Ledger Journal Entry will end up with a status of INUSE or SUBMITTED. In order for the document to be placed in the SUBMITTED status, the following additional validations must pass (otherwise, the document will remain in the INUSE status regardless of this setting):
The default Resulting Status will be INUSE. |
Fiscal Period |
This option controls whether or not entries processed in the current file can make changes to a closed fiscal period. |
The import process is triggered by pressing the Import button. All Warnings and Error messages are written to the screen and can then be saved if desired. While some line items may be found invalid and rejected, the remaining line items will be successfully imported and saved in the database. The rejected line items will be written out to a file on the Unanet server as well as displayed at the bottom of the Import results page. The rejected record file name will be the import name (from the Type of Import drop-down on the Admin>> Import page) , concatenated with a space and "Errors.csv" (e.g., Item - Master Errors.csv, Alternate.csv, etc.). The file will be placed in the Unanet temporary directory (which is defined by the Temp Directory (Fully Qualified Directory Name) (unanet.temp_directory) Unanet property). You can also click on the Download the error file link at the bottom of the Import results page (sample image follows).
When importing a number of records associated with the same General Ledger Journal Entry document (ie having the same Group Id on new records, or having the same Document Number on existing records), the Summary values from the first record encountered will be used and Summary values from subsequent records will be ignored (for that group / document).
If a record encounters an error, a message will be displayed but the import will continue and subsequent records for that same General Ledger Journal Entry will be processed. Note that should an error happen, the resulting status for the entire General Ledger Journal Entry will always be INUSE, regardless of the screen selection.
Posted, Voided and Voiding documents cannot be modified. Updating a document in the Submitted status, will first change its status to Inuse (although, using the Resulting Status option, it can be returned to the Submitted status).
While you can save a financial document violating certain rules, you will not be permitted to submit or post the document until they are resolved. If any of the validations fail for any row on the document, the entire document cannot be posted.
Standard financial document validations for each Detail row: