Reports - Financial - Purchase Order Details


This report includes details for Purchase Orders (POs). The data included in this report consists of all PO/PO lines that meet the criteria plus any actuals associated with those PO/PO lines.

Actuals can include the following:


Clicking on the CSV icon at the top of the report criteria page will run the report using the specified criteria but will download the report to a .csv file instead of displaying the report.


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator, Purchaser, Purchase Order Viewer, PO Owner, or Receiver/Approver (and alternates). PO Owners will only see details for their POs (i.e., those for which they are the PO Owner). Likewise, Receiver/Approvers (and alternates) will only see details for their POs (i.e., those for which they are the Receiver/Approver). Administrators, Purchasers, and Purchase Order Viewers can see all POs that match their criteria.

Note: Purchase Order Viewers have access to POs for the legal entity to which the user has access via Financial Org Access, and POs for the vendor to which the user has access via Vendor Org Access. See People Organization Access for more information.

Note: Purchasers have access to POs for the legal entity to which the user has access via Financial Org Access.


This report is available with the Project Financials family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:



Selection Criteria

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)


Example Report Output

Note: The grand totals include hours only, not quantities. Subtotals for PO item lines will include quantities if the UOM value is specified on the PO item line.

If a PO or PO line is closed, then "(C)" will display after the PO number or PO line number on the report. The CSV download will have a column indicating whether PO/PO line is closed or not.

Funding Cap Adjustments

Summary level PO funding cap adjustments show up as the last detail of a PO group with "PO" displaying in the PO Line column. If there are multiple summary level funding cap adjustments for a PO, then there will also be a subtotal for those rows. The Percent Expended and Remaining columns do not consider the funding cap adjustments.


Field Description Notes

Account/Account Description: comes from the following, depending on source:


Organization Code/Organization Name: comes from the following, depending on source:


Reference: reference from the PO or VI line

Doc Type:


Applied Doc #:


Trans Date:


PO Hours/Qty: PO/PO line hours or quantity for labor and item lines only

PO Cost: cost for PO summary or PO detail line

Applied Hours/Qty:


Applied Cost:


Applied Cap Adj: amount from VI funding cap adjustment

Remaining Hours/Qty:


Remaining Cost:


Percent Expended Hours/Qty: Applied Hours/Qty / PO Hours/Qty (amount displayed is rounded to whole number)

Percent Expended Cost: Applied Cost / PO Cost (amount displayed is rounded to whole number)


CSV Output

On this report you will notice the CSV () icon, which can be used to produce the report output in the CSV format. Grand totals, subtotals, amount remaining, and percent expended are not included in the CSV file.


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