

The Unanet Analytics screen provides users access to their data through custom reporting with ad-hoc style reports (ExpressView), and other advanced report design features to provide business intelligence. Unanet provides some standard reports you can run directly as well as sample report templates, such as reports for GL Budgets, that you can copy to your company or personal folder and further customize. The Analytics screen provides access to dashboard capabilities and graphical views of data.


This screen is available to all roles, however, the data object fields (i.e., data views) will be limited based on roles, organization access, and license. See Available Data Categories/Objects for Unanet Analytics (search for this topic in the Knowledge Center) page for more information.

Administrators have access to all data object fields and have the ability to manage scheduled reports. P&R Administrators can manage instance reports and scheduled reports, and have access to the Studio folders, reports, and functions.


Note: For 2020 Q3, Analytics is available to Cloud customers via the early access program. Please contact your customer success manager for more information and to opt-in the program.

This screen is available with the Analytics + or Analytics Studio packages. The following table displays the features available with each package:

Features Description

Analytics +

Analytics Studio

Access to Data Objects Access Unanet data real-time using ExpressView.



Create ExpressView Reports Create reports using ExpressView.



Scheduling Run reports regularly at specified times. Useful for reports such as weekly project status, DCAA compliance reports,  and monthly financial reports.



View Standards Reports Run standard reports supplied by Unanet.



Create Advanced Reports Create complex tabular reports with specific output format.  


Create CrossTab Reports Create pivot tables where the number of columns are dynamically created.  


Pixel Perfect Reporting Create reports with specific invoice formats,such as the 1034/1035 cover sheets needed for Government contracts. Available in the Standard Reports folder (1034) and Analytics Studio Reports folder (1034/1035).  


Create Dashboards Create dashboard to combine reports into one viewing space.  



For more information about the following Studio features, please see the corresponding Analytics help pages by clicking on the help icon in upper right corner- (see image below) - and searching on the following:



Topics covered on this help page include:


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Analytics - Getting Started

When you navigate to Reports>>Analytics, you will see a screen similar to the following:



From the Getting Started tab, you can access the following:


The Reports tree on the left side of the screen displays the folders that contain the reports. You can expand and collapse these folders by clicking on the arrow to the left of each folder. You may see a subset of reports determined by your Unanet roles and organization access. 

The Reports tree contains the following folders:


The Create New Report icon - - allows you to choose from the following (depending on your package):


Click the help icon - - in the upper right corner for more information about the analytics interface, such as report options, navigating the analytics tool, and functionality.


CXO Scoreboard

The CXO Scoreboard provides key insights into the financial health of your business, utilizing charts and graphs to depict the performance of key metrics in the areas of Cash Flow, Net Income, and Revenue. Performance is measured relative to budgeted values. The scoreboard is available under the Analytics Studio Reports folder. When you run the report, you can enter the following parameters: Legal Entity, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Month End Date, and Budget Name.


Enter your parameters and the scoreboard will display.


Each column of tiles displays information related to one of our three key metrics (Cash, Net Income, and Revenue) and each row of tiles provides qualitative answers to fundamental business questions across those metrics.  

The tiles in the top row display company performance (good or bad) across the three key metrics.  The middle row gives additional insights into why the company is performing well or poorly, and the bottom row shows how the company could improve using efficiency metrics.

Following is a listing of the scoreboard tiles:


Project Central Dashboard

The Project Central Dashboard is available to Analytics Studio customers. It leverages Project Accounting (JSR) data obtained via Unanet API to highlight project and program control KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and provides real time project and financial metrics together in one easy to use dashboard. Information is presented in graphs and tabular formats designed to improve project performance.

Important: You must configure the Project Central Dashboard entry in the Analytics Studio Reports folder before using. Please see the Knowledge Center article - "Project Central Dashboard" - for more information.

Select PCD Scoreboard under Analytics Studio reports to run the dashboard. You will be prompted to enter parameters such as project status and number of periods. You can also highlight metrics that exceed certain percentages. The dashboard will resemble the following:

The red boxes indicate problematic areas. You can click on the arrow next to the project code to see details, and you can click on any of the KPI boxes to see detailed performance charts.


Saving Report Criteria

You can change the criteria for an advanced report (indicated by ) and save that criteria. For example, you can run a report like the one in the screenshot below, change the criteria, and then click the save icon - - at the top left of the report. This will save the criteria you selected for the next time you run the report. You can only save one set of criteria per report.


Advanced Reports

Advanced Reports are included with the Studio package. With Advanced Reports, you can create reports containing charts, maps, gauges, images, and group sections. Use this type of report to provide more flexibility for displaying data.

You can click on the Create New Report icon - - and then select Advanced Report. You will see a wizard similar to the following:

You will see the following tabs:


Click Previous and Next buttons to move between tabs. Click the Finish button when finished entering information.

For more information about Advanced Reports, please see the corresponding Analytics help pages by clicking on the help icon in upper right corner- - and searching on  "Report Wizard".



CrossTab Reports are included with the Studio package. With CrossTabs, you can create a cross tabulation for grouping and summarizing data fields that automatically expands columns and rows depending on the number of data groupings. Use this report type when you need two-way tables, contingency tables, or pivot tables.

You can click on the Create New Report icon - - and then select CrossTab Report. You will see a wizard similar to the following:

You will see the following tabs:


Click Previous and Next buttons to move between tabs. Click the Finish button when finished entering information.

For more information about CrossTabs, please see the corresponding Analytics help pages by clicking on the help icon in upper right corner- - and searching on  "CrossTabs" or "Report Wizard".



Dashboards are included with the Studio package. Dashboards allow you to combine several related reports into one unified viewing space. Use this option when you need to combine reports, visualizations, images, charts, maps, gauges, text, and web pages.

You can click on the Create New Report icon - - and then select Dashboard. You will see a screen similar to the following:

You will see the following icons at the top:


For more information about Dashboards, please see the corresponding Analytics help pages by clicking on the help icon in upper right corner- - and searching on  "Dashboard Designer".


Chained Reports

Chained Reports are included with the Analytics + or Analytics Studio packages. With Chained Reports you can combine multiple related or disparate reports into a single report.

You can click on the Create New Report icon - - and then select Chained Report. You will see a wizard similar to the following:

You will see the following tabs:


Click Previous and Next buttons to move between tabs. Click the Save and Close button when finished entering information.

For more information about Chained Reports, please see the corresponding Analytics help pages by clicking on the help icon in upper right corner- - and searching on  "Chained Reports" or "Report Wizard".



Scheduler is available with Analytics+ and Analytics Studio. Administrators and P&R Administrators can click on the scheduling icon - - on the left side of the screen to manage report schedules or select a report from the left menu to set up a schedule. Click on the hamburger icon - - and select either Schedule Report or Email Report. If scheduling a report, you will see a wizard similar to the one below. If emailing a report, enter the email addresses separated by semicolon or comma and select to export as either Excel, PDF, RTF, or CSV. It will be emailed immediately.

Note: If you have multiple reports to send, you can create a chained report and send the chained report.


Click on the scheduling icon to see a list of saved reports similar to the following:

You can refresh the queue to pull in newly created schedules, or flush the queue to remove completed runs.

Click on the edit icon - - to schedule the report to be sent immediately or later.

Note that you can schedule the report to repeat a specified number of hours and minutes until a certain time. You can also specify a recurrence pattern.

Click on the Filters and Recipients tabs to enter additional information. Note that the Recipients tab has a Reply To field where you can enter the email address of a point of contact for questions.

Click on the delete icon - - to remove a report from the list.


Tips for Using the Analytics Interface

Concatenate({FIN: GL Details.First Name}," ",If(Len({FIN: GL Details.Middle Initial})>0,Concatenate({FIN: GL Details.Middle Initial},". "),""),{FIN: GL Details.Last Name})