Contract Management


Contract Managers can record contracts with their related projects and tasks in Unanet. Contract line items equate to projects in Unanet. Billable projects must be associated to a contract if the project's Original or Revised Begin Date (from the Project Profile Budget tab) is on or after the date in the Billable Projects Require Contracts As Of (YYYY-MM-DD) ( property.

Administrators can set up contract statuses, contract types, and User Defined Fields (UDFs) for contracts.

This functionality is available with all Unanet licenses.


New Roles to Manage Contract Permissions

We have two roles for contracts: Contract Viewer and Contract Manager. Both have organization owning access types, and they can have access to all, none, or selected legal entities.

Contract Viewers can only run contract reports for their organization.

The Contract Manager is the representative from the owning organization who manages the contract. Contract Managers can create new contracts, associate contracts to other records, and end contracts. They can also run contract reports for their organization.


Setup Contract Types

Administrators set up the contract types on the Setup Contract Type page.


Setup Contract Statuses

Administrators set up the contract statuses on the Setup Contract Statuses page.


Setup Contract User Defined Fields (UDFs)

Administrators set up the UDFs on the Setup User Defined Fields page.


Contract Maintenance

Contract Managers can search and list available contracts on the Contract List page. See the Contract Profile page for more information about contract data. You can also make modifications to the contracts, and associate projects and subcontracts with your contracts.




The Project Profile has a field to enter a contract name and the Accounting tab has current and original fields for the total and funded value, cost, and fee. When a contract is modified, the associated project fields will be updated: Revised Begin and End Dates, Current Funded Cost, Current Funded Fee, Current Funded Total, Current Total Cost, Current Total Fee, and Current Total Value.


You can also search for certain contracts and contract types on the Project List page.


You can import contract information in the Project Import, except when it is a Billable project (determined by the Billing Type field), and the project has a Contract, and the Billable Project Changes Require Contract Modification ( property is true. For those projects,you must enter a contract modification in Unanet.



The Contract Brief provides contract information and is useful to DCAA representatives.